Composer Robin Foster (Criminal: UK, Untogether, Truth Seekers) is reuniting with director Sean Ellis on the upcoming period horror drama Eight for Silver. The film is written and directed by Ellis (Cashback, The Broken) and stars Boyd Holbrook, Kelly Reilly, Alistair Petrie, Roxane Duran and Áine Rose Daly. The movie is set in the late 19th century and follows a pathologist who arrives in a remote country village to investigate an attack by a wild animal brutal and discovers a sinister presence lurking in the woods. Ellis is also producing the LD Entertainment production with Pete Shilaimon (Risen, Megan Leavey) and Mickey Liddell (Jackie, The Grey, Go). Foster has previously scored Ellis’ last two features Metro Manila and Anthropoid. Eight for Silver will premiere in January at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival.
Foster has also recently scored the thriller American Dream directed by cinematographer Janusz Kaminski and starring Luke Bracey, Michiel Huisman, Agnieszka Grochowska and Nick Stahl. The movie revolves around two entrepreneurs desperate for cash who turn to a Russian mobster. Duncan Brantley (Leatherheads) & Mark Wheaton (The Messengers) wrote the screenplay. The film will be released on VOD on January 5 and on DVD on January 12 by Lionsgate.