Premiering tonight on PBS is the mini-series Arthur & George directed by Stuart Orme, executive produced by Rebecca Eaton, written by Ed Whitmore and starring Martin Clunes, Arsher Ali, Art Malik, Emma Fielding, Charles Edwards and Hattie Morahan. The 3-parter’s original music is composed by Rob Lane (The Damned United, Merlin, John Adams). Arthur & George is based on the novel by Julian Barnes and follows world-famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as he works on case revolving around a half-Indian son of a vicar who is framed for a crime he may or may not have committed. The mini-series will air as part of PBS’ Masterpiece series. Visit the official show website for more information.
Weekly TV Music Roundup (September 6, 2015)
Posted: September 6, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Arthur & George, PBS, Rob Lane