Neil Davidge is composing the music for the upcoming crime drama series Spotless. The show is created by Ed McCardie (Shameless) & Corinne Marrinan (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation) and stars Miranda Raison, Brendan Coyle, Marc-André Grondin and Denis Ménochet. The series follows a troubled man whose tidy life is turned upside down when his outlaw brother crash lands into his world, and gets both of them fatally involved in organized crime. Pascal Chaumeil (Heartbreaker, A Long Way Down) directed the first two episodes. McCardie is also executive producing the Tandem Communications and Rosetta Media production with Suzanne Berger (Hell of Wheels), Jonas Bauer (The Company) and Rola Bauer (Crossing Lines, The Pillars of the Earth). Davidge who is best known as a former member of Massive Attack member has previously scored such films as Push, Good People, Monsters: Dark Continent and the video game Halo 4. Spotless is set to premiere in several international territories in 2015.
Neil Davidge Scoring ‘Spotless’ TV Series
Posted: December 30, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Neil Davidge, Spotless