Carlos Rafael Rivera is reteaming with Scott Frank on the upcoming Netflix original mini-series Godless. The show is written and directed by Frank (The Lookout, screenwriter of Minority Report & Logan) and stars Jeff Daniels, Jack O’Connell, Michelle Dockery, Scoot McNairy, Sam Waterston, Kim Coates, Audrey Moore, Christiane Seidel, Randy Oglesby, Justin Welborn, Christopher Fitzgerald, Samantha Soule and Whitney Able. The 7-parter centers on an outlaw who is terrorizing the West as he hunts down his partner turned mortal enemy. The chase leads to the quiet town of La Belle, mysteriously made up entirely of women. Frank is also executive producing the period drama with Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Erin Brockovich, Ocean’s 11, The Knick) and Casey Silver (Hidalgo, Leatherheads). Rivera has previously scored Frank’s last directorial effort, A Walk Among the Tombstones. Godless will premiere on November 22, 2017 on Netflix.
Carlos Rafael Rivera Scoring Netflix’s ‘Godless’
Posted: August 23, 2017 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Carlos Rafael Rivera, Godless, Netflix, Scott Frank
Where can I find the soundtrack from Godless. I love the music and have been looking but can not find it.
thanks SO much – From what I understand, Netflix makes the decision based on demand – fingers crossed!!
Is there somewhere we can campaign for this? I’m tempted to rewatch the series just to hear the soundtrack again, but I’d absolutely love to have it on Spotify or digital download of some kind.
You can probably post to netflix’ social media – or try this link –
thanks SO much for the comment!!!
Soundtrack sounds great, awesome inspiration as well. Where do you have your studio if I may ask?
Kind regards
thanks! in Miami
The score is absolutely beautiful!!
thank you Craig!!
As others have written, I truly love your music. I repeat the episodes just to hear your wonderful music. Somehow it takes back to those times, in my imagination.
Too bad Netflix makes it difficult to listen to all the music during the credits.
I’m going to find the soundtrack. Writing to Netflix next.
Thank you so much, Mr. Carlos Rafael Rivera, may the spirit of music continue within you.
you are so kind to say that – thanks for writing them!!
Wonderful score throughout, but especially terrific in the last episode ending five minutes!
It is the Denouement, and it took quite a while to get right. Your comment affirms the hard work put in to conclude Scott’s fantastic story. Thank you Dianne!
I would love to know how to get the soundtrack as well. Great music along with a great series!
thanks SO much – From what I understand, Netflix makes the decision based on demand – fingers crossed!!
What is the name of the music playing at the end of the series?
which episode?
the end of episode 7 is magnificent.
The music at the end of episode 7 is the Main theme in a major key – thank you!
Anyone else feel like they know some of these songs. In one episode I thought I heard heard Nirvana. Great score
Thank you!!!!
@Carlos Rafael Rivera
Made a post on the social media forum and hope to be hearing more of your music soon!
The soundtracks ending episode 6 and 7 gave me goosebumps! I sure hope all the soundtracks gets released at some point, cause there’s some really amazing tunes in there that i’d like to add to my playlist
Thank you SO much!!
Beautiful score. I would love to have access to a recording. It sounds like that is up to Netflix.
It is up to them indeed! Thanks so much for the props!!
Carlos qual o nome da musica do episódio 5. Na tomada externa com os cavalos ?
se você quer dizer a mesma música que toca quando Roy monta o cavalo preto no Episódio 3 – é apenas uma variante do tema da história.
The music made me cry out OMG several times. Lived me up, mede me listen deeply. Would love to be able to hear it again.
Thank you so much!
How is this not currently available?!
One of the best scores in television history.
Thanks David!!!!
Hey Rafael! How can i get the music sheet of the Main tittle theme E1?
Hola Salvador! Netflix es dueño de la musica y los derechos de reproducción. Hay que ver si comienza con permitir distribución de la banda sonora, y si se puede, partituras. Mientras tanto podría transcribir! Muchas gracias!
The score is phenomenal – I do hope it gets released!
Thanks Genevieve!!
The soundtrack is beyond amazing. Great series but the music elevates every scene. I pray that Netflix make the soundtrack available or else what a waste. Thank you
Let’s hope they do – thanks SO much!
This score has absolutely been phenomenal and i don’t think I’ve heard any better in a while. Any idea as to when Netflix would release the score if they do decide to?
No clue – thanks for the comment. I am truly blown away. By the reception on this thread. Means more than you know!
Okay, I’m gonna give in to the hype and watch the show. Haven’t seen excitement like this in a very long while. You should present this very thread to the higher-ups, Mr. Rivera, and it just might get things moving. A petition or two wouldn’t do any harm as well (this is for the fans
Thanks SO much !! Will try.
I have been looking for the Godless soundtrack for weeks now,absolutely gutted to find here that it isn`t available…yet I´m hoping!
It is so mindblowingly good its just ridiculous really!
The sound of the acoustic guitars in particular just kills me,may I ask who the player/s is?
Netflix must be insane not to have released it.
Finally some really good music and then its not available???
In this day and age it makes no sense!
Will post in every forum I can find to help this happen!
Mr Rivera you are the MAN!!!!
Thanks so much for the comments. I played all of the guitars and keyboards/organs/harmonium. The Amazing Joy Adams played all of the cello. If any composer reads this, please make sure to hire her, as she works well remotely (lives in Colorado), and is all over the score. The source music was provided by T Bone Burnett, who did an amazing amazing job!
I never skip the Intro, the Music is EPIC , so perfect with the cinematography ! Im so happy to see so many others appreciate this Soundtrack. I gotta have it ASAP
So am I – thank YOU !! You can probably post to netflix’ social media – or try this link –
That’s amazing stuff.
thank you!
Most AMAZING soundtrack EVER!!!
Thank you !!!
Amazing soundtrack! Will have to email Netflix to publish it!
The music playing in episode 6 during the love scene between Alice and Roy is absolutely beautiful, I sure hope Netflix decides to release an OST.
That is Alice’s theme. It plays in her key sequences throughout the story. Thanks so much for the comment!
To Carlos Rafael Rivera,
Your music for Godless was truly superb. I think it took the audience into Scott Frank’s world perfectly and captured every subtle, beautiful detail on screen. Good music blends in naturally, but great music becomes a character all on it’s own. It merged perfectly with the cinematography. The shot after the Alice and Roy make love and cuts to Roy riding out to the distance. The music, the epic mixed in with the intimate…That was as perfect as it can get. Plus like everyone else. The music for the last scene (I’d say from when Roy leaves Alice to the end) The music rose in grandeur and beauty while still taking in the small moments. Just Perfect. The music has stayed with us since we saw it and I hope it gets released.
Amazing work.
That was so nice to read. Thank you so so much!!! Fingers crossed!
Fabulous,I was hoping that it was you playing guitar for some reason!
Theres a calmness in lack of a better word to the playing that I find very unusual to hear these days.And the cleanliness to the sound is divine!
It fits so well to the score
And Yeah the Cello is no joke either,she´s off the chain for sure!
Will definitely contact Joy Adams for any cello in the future!
Thanx for the reply and again,hats off to legendary music making!!
Thanks – yes – please reach out to her. She is on Facebook!!
What an extraordinary music! I was caught to the Godless series by the soundtrack and now I keep on coming back to the show just to listen.
Congratulations Carlos, Thank you for bringing this to us all.
I’ll wait for some more music from you in a nearby future.
thank you Jose!
Carlos, I know you are tired to hear such thing but I was just stunned about your music! Im a soundtrack lover and I hear things like this tons a day! When I was watching the serie and the theme came along I was thinkin “might be some well-known composer like bear mcreary (he did something like this with fiddle and cello to black flag serie). But when I saw your name (never heard before) I was surprised and so happy to know new faces and new styles! This serie OST is one of my favorites by far and inspired me a lot! Im a cellist and write pieces like this sometimes! Hope some day to learn more with you!!!
Thanks So much! FYI, the cellist (the amazing Joy Adams) tuned a half step down to perform the main theme!
LOVE THE SCORE!!! I’ve been playing to the main theme by ear with my violin. My favourite piece is the one for Blackdom but I can’t find it anywhere…
thanks SO much – If we are fortunate enough to get a soundtrack release from Netflix, I would hope to include Blackdom for sure. The Final cue of episode 7 (Atascadero) as well as the first cue of episode 3 (Doubtful Canyon). Any other ideas? – BTW it is SO SO unbelievable to read all these posts. Very grateful
I was blown away by your music and was searching for the OST and came across this thread only to find out it hasn’t been published(yet). I really hope Netflix will publish it so I can listen to it again. Through the whole scene of gun fight in episode 7 I was crying without knowing and I think the music had a lot to do with it. It was amazing. Thanks for a job well done.
thank YOU for the kind compliment!! – It is up to Netflix to release it – fingers crossed!
Hi really enjoyed the soundtrack! can you tell me the name of the tune that plays at the end of episode 7 (the end of the series)?
thanks Peter – the last cue is called Atascadero and the first half was written based on reading the script. Scott Frank told me they went scouting looking for locations while listening to the music. The last section was written to picture and is a variation on the Main Theme to a major key (although it seems simple, it took me FOREVER to find that!).
The problem is some people think if they have the name of a cue (or song as some people mistakenly refer to them as), they can simply pop over to iTunes or some illegal file shaving site and get it.
Ahh I see. I did find a few Youtube links that were recorded directly from the Netflix stream, but have the sound design mixed in, and are unfortunately of bad quality.
Netflix has only officially put out the Main Theme on YouTube.
Thanks for the heads up though!
@Carlos Rafael Rivera – What is the piano piece in episode 6 when Roy leaves the Nun Lucy’s place with the letter and rides to the bar where Frank is. It sounds like a cover of something?
Was that intro a song a cover of anything? I love it
Thanks Steve! – No it’s actually not. Was trying to find a hummable melody that would encapsulate the story.
love the score!!!
Was trying to convince my wife that these were a ton of contemporary tunes reimagined. Think I heard Eurythmics, Red Hot Cilli Peppers, Chris Isaac, and the last scene I was thinking Bad Company. Am I nuts?!
BTW – will buy when/if available!
thank you!!! – not that I would consciously think of – but did grow up loving ALL of those artists! – not sure if Netflix will put the soundtrack out – I hear they usually don’t with in house productions. Fingers crossed!
I spent the WHOLE series thinking exactly that, especially Red Hot Chili Peppers.
By the way, this is how I found your comment via Google.
Dear Mr. Rivera,
The soundtrack is really amazing.
I watched episodes #6 and #7 several times just to hear it.
And I have just sent an email to Netflix!
Is there a way to be communicated if the soundtrack is released?
Thanks for writing to them!!
if there ever is a soundtrack release, I will be sure to reply here on this board!!! – this has been the coolest experience!!! thanks to all for enjoying and making comments about the music !
Carlos, the music for godless is something to be proud of. Fantastic work! Now if only we could listen to it on spotify.. or anywhere!
Thanks David! as the above thread mentions – it is up to Netflix – thanks again and Happy Holidays!!!
Love the soundtrack so much!
I want to know if Netflix has decided to release it? And where can I find it? Thanks so much for providing us such a high quality soundtrack!
ah man – no word from Netflix – thanks for enjoying the music!!!
The soundtrack is amazing ! What that piano piece was that was played when Roy leaves Lucy cole’s place with his brothers letter (episode 6) ?
Thanks for asking – This melody is based on Frank Griffin’s theme that I set to a Saloon Piano style. Hope this helps!
man please release this sound a single track its so emotiaonal
I second that. I would love to be able to hear just that track. Its been stuck in my head for a couple days now
Truly such a fantastic score. One I was simply not expecting to be so good. Well done!
thank you Craig!!
Is there a CD available in England of the music from “Godless” — one of the great music scores.
Thanks for the compliment – Unfortunately there is not – Hoping Netflix does release it.
I just finished watching the series. I loved the music and have listened to the final piece repeatedly. I searched for the score on several sites before reading this and learning that Netflix has not yet made it available. Carlos, please bring all these comments to Netflix producers attention to persuade them to make the music available.
you are very kind for suggesting to do so. Still not sure if they will, but very grateful the Denouement worked!! Thank you!
Love the score! Creates such an awesome feel that works great with the content of the Godless story.
thanks!! we worked very closely with the sound team to create a coherent soundscape – glad you liked it!
I cannot remember the last time that I was so moved by a musical score like the one on this great show. Truly beautiful! Thank you for giving me/us such joy to listen to your creation. I truly hope to be able to get the soundtrack for personal enjoyment soon.
Same here!!! It means the world to read these and get to respond individually – thank you!
In a lengthy scene where Bill is breaking a horse, the score developed and evolved with each step towards the horse being set free from the corral. Film music hasn’t fused imagery and story like this for what seems like an eternity. Congratulations on all the attention this score richly deserves! I look forward to owning a Cd of it…hopefully soon!
Thank you! This was one of the set pieces I knew we had to get right from the moment I read the screenplay. Another was the beginning of Episode 3 in Doubtful Canyon. Worked very closely with the amazing sound folks to make it all work together.
This great score reminded me of Matt Elliott’s music
Been listening to his stuff since you suggested his music. Wasn’t familiar at all and am really enjoying it – lots of classical in it (and amazing production value!)
Amazing score! Was just watching episode 5 and sesrchubg for the music that starts when Roy and Alice are working at the well. Beautiful music – really hope Netflix will make a soundtrack!
Amazing score! Was just watching episode 5 and searching for the music that starts when Roy and Alice are working at the well. Beautiful music – really hope Netflix will make a soundtrack!
thank you so much – I hope so too!!!! Happy New Year!
I absolutely love the musical score! I didn’t want episode 7 to end so the piece could keep playing. How do we get Netflix to release the music so we can download, purchase, whatever. Thank you Carlos Rivera, for music to my ears!
Thank you! perhaps write to them on their social media to let them know you want it! either way – very glad you enjoyed the score!
I was so emotionally moved by the first half of the music played at the end of Episode 7 when Roy leaves for California. It was such a nostalgic piece especially coupled with the visually stunning landscape shots. I live in the Midwest now but I’m originally from Arizona and it made me so homesick for the West Coast. I really hope the score is made available! I have been replaying the season 7 ending just to hear the music again. Absolutely brilliant work!
Thanks SO much! – there were so many brilliant shots to choose from. The original Denouement was longer with more gorgeous images. The pacing of Michelle Tesoro’s editing at the end was just right (and inspiring) to write the music. Thanks again, I also hope Netflix releases the soundtrack.
Hey there!
Just came across Godless, and I both loved the miniseries as well as the soundtrack!
Can’t wait until its out!
Let me know if there’s anything I can do!
Again: Good job, and happy new year!
Marius Flugsrud
Thanks! not sure what to do – Netflix is holding on to it. Hopefully they will release it at some point. Happy New Year!!
Music is Amazing! I really want to hear that
Over and over! From the good book!..?
Thank you!
Carlos, the main theme from Godless is just beautiful. Thank you so much for your work. Is there any kind of tab or score available for that? I’d love to play it myself, and alas! am not talented enough to figure it out on my own! Thanks again for your creation.
Thank you so much! Unfortunately as of now there is none, as Netflix has yet to release the soundtrack. But maybe we could do a Skype call and I’ll show you?
Mr. Rivera. I have loved music all my life and have been moved to tears many times. The soundtrack from Godless, however, touched me in a way that was deeply profound and I hear it playing in my mind constantly. At the end of Episode 7 your music captured the beauty of the country, the depth of the human spirit and enveloped me in a sound, a memory, I will forever appreciate. Thank you, thank you.
thank you thank YOU for the thoughtful and heartfelt comment. As a kid growing up in Central America, I never thought I would get to score to picture, although film music always inspired and filled me with wonder. It is difficult to express how grateful I am to read how this music has inspired you, as well as others.
I don’t know if the soundtrack will be released. But if it does, I will be sure to post here to let you know.
Again, thank you!
Love, love, love this score! I just live chatted with a rep from Netflix. This was his reply:
Ah okay I understand, no actually here in customer support we don’t take care of anything related to content that includes the sound track so we have no information or ways to contact the people in charge of those decisions, since there are lots of things related such as licensing and whatnot. Normally I would point you on the right direction but in this case there isn’t a place where I can point you to contact relating the releasing of a sound track.
Heading over to social media next.
Lisa, thank you so much! The fact you are reaching out to Netflix is moving beyond words! Since there is no soundtrack, I have been doing some podcast interviews and will post them here if you want to listen. Here is the first one:
Thank you!!
Carlos Rafael Rivera, Sir you are the “MASTER OF MUSIC”!!! Love this soundtrack, please let me know if you are gong to make it available for purchase, many thanks and please stay safe out there!!! GREAT JOB!!!
Hello and Thank you! – so far no news… I am sharing links here of interviews I’ve been doing in case anyone is interested to find out a bit more about the process of scoring Godless. Here is one with Soundtrack Alley’s Randy Andrews:
thanks again!
quick question is the songwriter featured with the song Shame in episode 3 related to the director Scott Frank? Its a great song btw.. worth a download….
His name is Lukas Frank – and indeed is the multi-talented son of the director. Check his stuff out on Spotify –
Truly gifted!
Felicidades Rivera. Excelentes composiciones y gran sonido como productor y guitarrista español te deseo un gran futuro y éxito. Netflix no debe poner barreras a la expansión de talentos como el tuyo. Un fuerte abrazo desde España.
Muchisimas gracias Adolfo!!! Saludos y abrazos desde Miami!!!
The score is so moving in Godless. I’m really hoping that there is a way to hear this in some form or another (streaming, vinyl, etc). I would love to purchase it and support your amazing work, Carlos!
Thank you!!! It seems Netflix is holding on to its release. Not sure if they will. But if you want to get another insight into how I scored this story, please listen to an interview I did with the ever-cool Kaya Savas –
Thanks again! and to any of you who are reading these!!!!!
Mr Carlos,
It looks like so many songs from this score have connected to so many people in different ways after watching this series. Whilst the show is fantastic in itself, your music completely elevates it to another level. As a budding pianist myself (with a half descent ear!) I immediately found myself playing the honky tonk piano track from Episode 6 – straight after watching – love it. Bravo hermano!
Netflix – give this music the wings it deserves and RELEASE!!!!!
Gracias Alex!! – The Honky Tonk piano part is Frank Griffin’s theme, sped up – so grateful for your comment!!! abrazos
Deeply moving score — rarely have visual and musical narratives intertwined in the way these have. The pathos that the music imparts to the solitary existences is exquisite.
thank you so much for such gorgeous words Felix!!!
Really liked the score. Netflix indicates it is the production company not them which has the license and release right to the score.
Thanks for checking with them – however, they are the production company. Will see what happens
…If there was a soundtrack release, are there any specific sequences/cues you would like to have in the soundtrack? (asking for a friend)…
!!! It’s been a few months since I watched it now, so hard to remember specifics, but the whole final episode had great stuff from what I remember, so that’s a good starting point.
thanks for writing and giving the heads up! still waiting, but hopeful… will make sure to focus on the final episode!
As long as all the major themes/pivotal scenes are covered, I’m sure fans will be pleased
Really enjoyed A Walk Among the Tombstones as well, so I was happy to see you back with another score. Fingers crossed for a release!
Ah that music at the end of episode 6 … One of the best ever . Ever .
I thought was impossible, in 2017, to make a whole soundtrack with a western flavor that sounded so great , refreshing and powerful .
Hello Francesco – THANK YOU for the very kind words!!
Your score of the Godless series was absolutely beautiful. So intuitive and sensitive to what was going on in the story. Music that will haunt me (in a lovely way) for some time. I too hope this becomes available as a soundtrack as well. Thank you.
Thank you Brenda!!! The score is available here:
I absolutely fell in love with this score. Particularly the piece ‘Blackdom’ when the violins (?) come in. What lovely music. I have been listening on repeat!
It’s Violins and Cellos (Celli?) – THANK YOU!!!!
Episode 4 right as they leave out to hunt, it’s like a string quartet song? What is the cover of? It’s definitely familiar and driving me crazy. Thank you
MikeyMcVeigh did anyone ever get back to you on episode 4? I’ve seen three people asking about that song (on here, Tunefind, and reddit) and NO ONE HAS AN ANSWER!
I thought I had answered a while back but it didn’t post. It was written to help establish place, in this case Blackdom. I did as much research as I could into the Buffalo soldiers, and came up with a melody that was to me fitting, and hopefully honoring them. Someone else told me they felt it was the music of impossible love between Whitey and Louise, and I’m quite happy with the fact that anyone is noticing this music at all. It means the world, thank you!
Can you tell me the artists that perform Single Girl, Married Girl in episode 3? It is beautiful.
hi, first of all amazing music.. hats off sir!!
I wanted to ask what was the track at the end credit of episode 5?
Hello! – The track is from the show, where Alice tries to tame the horses, but fails to do so. Thanks for asking!
Hi, I’m trying to find the song that plays immediately after “Mcnue Returns” in the season finale as the residents of La Belle observe the aftermath of the shootout. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it. It’s a beautiful, haunting piece of music!
Hi, I’m trying to find the song that plays immediately after “Mcnue Returns” in the season finale as the residents of La Belle observe the aftermath of the shootout. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it. It’s a beautiful, haunting piece of music!
Hello ! Love what you are doing!! Do you know what is the music when frank goes outside from the girl house with his brother letter?
Ive been searching for days!!! Thank you
Mr Rivera,
I’m late to the party I know..I knooooow but my partner and I are watching Godless. In Ep 3 “The Language of the Horse” there’s a scene where Whitey goes for a fiddle lesson. On hearing the background music she and I are CONVINCED we’ve heard it somewhere before and just can’t seem to place WHERE or WHAT.
As soon as the strings kicked in I thought “oooh cool! I’ve heard this before, it’s this piece of music…..I really like this piece of music and they’ve used it here.” Then my brain went “yeah but you don’t know what it is, where you’ve heard it and what it’s called…”
……..and it’s been bugging me all through the episode (and for the rest of the night) as to what it was.
So I went on a music quest mission…. and found this site!!!!
We’ve subsequently found the song Blackdom and have listened to it over and over again on YouTube trying to figure out what it is or what it may have been inspired by deep in your subconscious (as mine). I’m thinking it sounds like the “all the lonely people” hookline from Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles.
I played that at 0.25x speed on YouTube but Paul McCartney at that speed is terrible, AND, I can’t play Blackdom faster than 2x on YouTube (I’d need it at 4x to counter Eleanor Rigby at 0.25x)…..
Could you PLEEEEEASE please please put us out of our collective misery?