Ilan Rubin (Monsters of California, Bobcat Moretti) has released a soundtrack album for the romantic comedy drama In Fidelity. The album features the film’s original music written by the singer/songwriter, composer and Nine Inch Nails drummer now available to stream/download on all major digital music services, including Amazon. Also check out Rubin’s opening theme after […]
Posts Tagged ‘Rob Margolies’
‘In Fidelity’ Soundtrack Album Released
Posted: June 10, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Ilan Rubin, In Fidelity, Rob Margolies, score, Soundtrack
‘Bobcat Moretti’ Soundtrack Album Released
Posted: April 1, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Bobcat Moretti, Ilan Rubin, Rob Margolies, score, Soundtrack
Ilan Rubin (Monsters of California) has released a soundtrack album for the sports drama Bobcat Moretti. The album features the original music written by the composer, singer/songwriter and Nine Inch Nails drummer and is now available to stream/download on all major digital music services, including Amazon. Also listen to the a track from Rubin’s score […]