Premiering on Wednesday, January 28, is the Australian drama Penguin Bloom directed by Glendyn Ivin and starring Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln, Jacki Weaver, Griffin Murray-Johnston, Rachel House, Leeanna Walsman, Lisa Hensley, Felix Cameron and Abe Clifford-Barr. The film’s original music is composed by Marcelo Zarvos (Fences, Wonder, The Affair, Enough Said, The Good Shepherd, Ray […]
Posts Tagged ‘Penguin Bloom’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (January 24, 2021)
Posted: January 24, 2021 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Apple TV +, Finding Ohana, Jongnic Bontemps, Joseph Trapanese, Marcelo Zarvos, Netflix, Noah Sorata, Palmer, Penguin Bloom, Resident Alien, Syfy, Tamar-Kali, We Are: The Brooklyn Saints
Marcelo Zarvos Scoring Glendyn Ivin’s ‘Penguin Bloom’
Posted: August 18, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Glendyn Ivin, Marcelo Zarvos, Penguin Bloom
Marcelo Zarvos (Fences, Wonder, Ray Donovan, The Affair, Enough Said, The Good Shepherd) has recently scored the upcoming Australian drama Penguin Bloom. The film is directed by Glendyn Ivin (The Cry, Safe Harbour) and stars Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln and Jacki Weaver. The movie is based on Bradley Trevor Greive’s & Cameron Bloom’s bestseller of the same name […]