James Seymour Brett has been hired to score DisneyToon Studios’ upcoming feature Planes. The animated movie directed by Klay Hall draws inspiration from Disney/Pixar’s Cars and centers on a small-town crop-duster (voiced by Jon Cryer) with a fear of heights who longs to enter an epic around-the-world air race. Stacy Keach and Brad Garrett are […]
Posts Tagged ‘James Brett’
James Seymour Brett to Score Disney’s ‘Planes’
Posted: February 24, 2012 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: James Brett, James Seymour Brett, John Lasseter, L'Histoire De Nos Petites Morts, Planes, Saving Santa
James Seymour Brett to Score Stephen Frears’ ‘Lay the Favorite’
Posted: December 30, 2011 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Batman Live, James Brett, James Seymour Brett, Lay the Favorite, Stephen Frears
James Seymour Brett is currently scoring the comedy Lay the Favorite. The film is directed by Stephen Frears and stars Rebecca Hall, Bruce Willis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Joshua Jackson, Laura Prepon and Vince Vaughn. Recording sessions for the music are scheduled to take place in early January. The movie follows a young woman as she goes […]