Matthew Margeson (Kingsman series, Rocketman, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Pam & Tommy, Eddie the Eagle) has been hired to score Lucasfilm’s upcoming animated series Young Jedi Adventures. The show, which marks the first animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers, will follow a group of Younglings as they are swept off into adventures, and start their journeys on the path to becoming Jedi Knights, learning valuable skills for our galaxy and the galaxy far, far away. Michael Olson (Puppy Dog Pals) serves as the project’s showrunner and is also executive producing the series with James Waugh (Star Wars: Vision). Margeson is expected to discuss his work on the series at the 14th annual Behind-the-Music panel, Supersonic, tomorrow at this year’s Comic-Con at the San Diego Convention Center. Young Jedi Adventures will premiere in 2023 on Disney Junior and Disney+.
Margeson also continues to score Disney Junior’s Alice’s Wonderland Bakery, which will return for a second season. The composer also has Will Speck’s & Josh Gordon’s musical comedy feature Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile coming up.