Composer Geoff Zanelli (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Disturbia, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) is reuniting with director Deon Taylor on the upcoming horror thriller Don’t Fear. The film starring Joseph Sikora, Andrew Bachelor, Anne Ilonzeh, Iddo Goldber, Ruby Modine, Jessica Allain & T.I. takes place a year into living through a worldwide pandemic and follows a group of friends gathered in the remote Tahoe Mountains to stay at the “Historic Strawberry Lodge” who are pushed to the brink of survival as the truth about the historic lodge slowly unravels in front of them. Taylor co-wrote the screenplay with John Ferry and is also producing the Hidden Empire Film Group production with Roxanne Avent Taylor (Supremacy, Meet the Blacks) and Omar Joseph. Zanelli has previously collaborated with the director on several features, including Traffik, The Intruder, Black and Blue, and most recently, the upcoming The House Next Door, as well as well as Fatale, which was released in theaters this past December and is now also available on VOD. Don’t Fear is expected to be released later this year.
Also coming up for Zanelli is Mark Koetsier’s animated comedy 10 Lives.