Intrada Records has announced the world premiere release of the score for Disney’s 2004 animated comedy Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers directed by Donovan Cook. Academy Award nominee Bruce Broughton (Silverado, Young Sherlock Holmes, Rescuers Down Under, Lost in Space, Tombstone, Homeward Bound) has composed and conducted the film’s original music. The album features Broughton’s score, including music not used in the final version of the movie, as well as the songs from the film that were featured on the original 2004 soundtrack album released by Walt Disney Records. For the full album details and to listen to audio samples, visit the label’s online store, where you can also order the CD.
Bruce Broughton’s ‘Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers’ Score to Be Released
Posted: March 20, 2018 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Bruce Broughton, Mickey Donald Goofy: The Three Musketeers, score, Soundtrack
Cool. A new Broughton release is never a bad thing.