Jesse Novak is scoring the new NBC comedy Champions. The show is created by Charlie Grandy & Mindy Kaling and stars Anders Holm, Fortune Feimster, Andy Favreau, J.J. Totah and Mouzam Makkar. The series follows a washed-up high school baseball star who reluctantly gave up his dreams to take over the family gym in Brooklyn. Grandy and Kaling are also executive producing the Universal Television & 3 Arts Entertainment production with Howard Klein, Matt Warburton and Michael Spiller. Novak has previously collaborated with the creators and producers on The Mindy Project. Champions will premiere on March 8, 2018 and will air Thursday nights on NBC. Visit the official show website for updates.
Novak also continues to score Netflix’s BoJack Horseman, which will return for its fifth season later this year.