Bill Brown has been tapped to score the second season of the Syfy original series Dominion. The show is created by Vaun Vilmott and stars Christopher Egan, Tom Wisdom, Roxanne McKee, Alan Dale, Anthony Stewart Head and Luke Allen-Gale. The supernatural action drama based on characters from the 2010 feature Legion directed by Scott Stewart and starring Paul Bettany is set in the year 25 A.E. and takes place during a catastrophic war between an army of angels and mankind that has transformed the world. Jeff Rona previously scored the first season of the show, while Christopher Young composed the music for the pilot episode. Brown who will be taking the series’ music in a new direction has previously scored all nine seasons of CBS’ CSI: NY, the feature The Devil’s Tomb, as well as numerous video games including Marvel’s Captain America: Super-Soldier and The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Season 2 of Dominion is set to premiere later this year on Syfy. For updates on the series, visit the official show website.
Bill Brown to Score Season 2 of Syfy’s ‘Dominion’
Posted: March 26, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Bill Brown, Dominion, Syfy
I’m very excited by Bill Brown’s music for DOMINION. My question is, how can I identify the tracks by name in order to access/buy now to listen to on my computer? And where would I even find them? There is no soundtrack album and nothing on iTunes, not yet anyway. Have you any advice on this, or knowledge that an album will be forthcoming? Thanks for any help you can give me.