Danny Lux is scoring the new CBS comedy The Millers. The show is created by Greg Garcia and stars Will Arnett, Margo Martindale, Jayma Mays, JB Smoove, Nelson Franklin, Eve Moon and Beau Bridges. The series follows a recently divorced local roving news reporter looking forward to living the singles life until his parents’ marital problems unexpectedly derail his plan. Garcia is also executive producing the CBS Television Studios production. Lux has previously scored the Garcia-created comedy My Name is Earl and is also scoring the writer/producer’s Fox comedy Raising Hope with Matt Mariano. The Millers is set to premiere on October 3, 2013 and will air every Thursday night on CBS. For updates on the comedy, visit the official show website.
Lux also continues to score the ABC hit drama Grey’s Anatomy, which returned earlier this week for its tenth season.