Daniel Licht has been hired to score the upcoming NBC drama Deception. The show is created by Liz Heldens (Mercy, Friday Night Lights) and stars Meagan Good, Victor Garber, Katherine LaNasa, Tate Donovan, Marin Hinkle, Laz Alonso, Ella Rae Peck and Wes Brown. The series, which was previously entitled Infamous, follows a female detective who returns undercover to the wealthy and troubled family she grew up in to solve the murder of a notorious heiress who was once her closest friend. Heldens is executive producing the drama with Gail Berman (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel), Lloyd Braun (Alphas), Gene Stein (Less Than Perfect) and Peter Horton (Grey’s Anatomy). Infamous is set to premiere on January 7, 2013 and will be airing every Monday night on NBC. For updates on the drama, visit the official show website.
Licht is also scoring the seventh season of the Showtime hit series Dexter, which currently airs every Sunday night on NBC.
I would like to know the name of the singer and the song on your new series Deception.
I like it and i want to by the song.
thank you
Quebec city, Quebec, Canada