Clément Ducol (Little Tickles, Maestro, I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere) is scoring the upcoming French drama Paris, 13th District (Les Olympiades). The film is directed by Jacques Audiard (A Prophet, The Sisters Brothers, Rust and Bone) and stars Lucie Zhang, Makita Samba, Jehnny Beth and Noémie Merlan. The movie is based on cartoonist Adrian Tomine’s collection of graphic short stories Killing and Dying and revolves around four young adults who are friends, sometimes lovers, and often both. Audiard co-wrote the screenplay with Léa Mysius (Ismael’s Ghosts, Ava) and Celine Sciamma (Portrait of a Young Lady on Fire). The director is also producing the project with Valérie Schermann (The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, Zarafa). Pierre-Marie Dru serves as the drama’s music producer and supervisor. Paris, 13th District is expected to open in French theaters in 2021.

Ducal has also recently served as an arranger/orchestrator on Leos Carax’s musical Annette starring Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard. The film will be released in late 2021 by Amazon Studios.