Wolf Man
Music by Benjamin Wallfisch
Music Supervisors: Gabe Hilfer & Devoe Yates
Music Produced by: Benjamin Wallfisch
Music Editor: Brett ‘Snacky’ Pierce’
Supervising Orchestrator: David Kyrstal
Orchestrators: Patrick Cunningham, Michael J. Lloyd, Evan Rogers, Sebastian Winter
Additional Music & Orchestration: Sturdivant Adams, Ian Arber
Additional Programming: David Majzlin
Orchestra: Chamber Orchestra of London
Musicians Contractor: Gareth Griffiths
Orchestra Conductor: Geoff Alexander
Music Preparation: Jill Streater
Score Coordinators: Darrell Alexander, Gareth Griffiths
Music Recorded by: Rupert Coulson
Digital Recordist: John Prestage
Assistant Engineer: Rebecca Hordern, Eve Morris
Score Editor: Chris Barrett
Music Mixed by: Scott Smith, Benjamin Wallfisch
Music Recorded at: Air Lyndhurst Studios, London
Music Music at: The Mix Lab, Santa Monica
Soundtrack album released by Back Lot Music