Kurt Farquhar is composing the score for the upcoming ABC Family drama Stitchers. The show is created by Jeffrey A. Schechter (Overruled!) and stars Emma Ishta, Kyle Harris, Ritesh Rajan, Salli Richardson-Whitfield and Allison Scagliotti. The procedural series follows a young woman recruited into a covert government agency to be ‘stitched’ into the minds of the recently deceased, using their memories to investigate murders and decipher mysteries that otherwise would have gone to the grave. Schechter is also executive producing the project with Jonathan Baruch and Rob Wolken. Farquhar’s previous scoring credits include the features 96 Minutes, Not Easily Broken and TV shows such as The King of Queens, Being Mary Jane, Moesha and Sister, Sister. Stitchers is expected to premiere later this year on ABC Family.
Kurt Farquhar to Score ABC Family’s ‘Stitchers’
Posted: February 28, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC Family, Kurt Farquhar, Stitchers