Vitamin AS has released a soundtrack album for the Norwegian TV series Requiem for Selina. The album features selections of the show’s original music composed by songwriter/record producer Espen Lind (who has made his television scoring debut on the project) and performed by the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on Amazon and any other major digital music services. Also listen to the composer’s title track below. Requiem for Selina is created by Ingunn Rensel & Emmeline Berglund and stars Elli Müller Osborne, Veslemøy Mørkrid, Pål Sverre Hagen, Jon Øigarden and Oliver Sletvold Andersen. The 8-part drama tells the story of a 17-year old teenager as she transforms from a naive bullied school girl to Norway’s biggest beauty blogger and most dangerous role model. The series just premiered on Norwegian television last week and will debut in several other international markets in the coming months.

Here’s the track list of the album:

1. Requiem for Selina (1:51)
2. Selina’s Theme (3:43)
3. This Is a Story About Revenge (2:54)
4. Johan & Selina (2:12)
5. Anesthesia (0:52)
6. Atlantis (2:40)
7. The Bottomless Sorrow (1:21)
8. The Highest Point on Earth (1:25)
9. Goodbye, Cruel World (1:24)
10. The Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to Me (1:31)
11. She’s Back (0:51)