22D Music has released a soundtrack album for the French historical thriller No Chains, No Masters (Ni Chaînes Ni Maîtres). The album features the film’s original music composed by Amine Bouhafa (Timbuktu, Beauty and the Dogs, Four Daughters, Along Came Love, GagarineVisiting Hours, The Man Who Sold His Skin). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check out the track list. Also listen to the composer’s title track after the jump. No Chains, No Masters is co-written and directed by Simon Moutaïrou and stars Ibrahima Mbaye, Camille Cottin, Anna Diakhere Thiandoum, Felix Lefebvre, Benoît Magimel and Vassili Schneide. The movie takes place in 1759 on Mau­ri­tius Island and follows a slave living in fear while toil­ing in the sug­ar cane fields as he sets off on a des­per­ate search for his daugh­ter after she escapes the plantation. The thriller is being released in French theaters today.
