Johannes Ringen (Troll, The Quake, The Burning Sea, The Girl from Oslo) is the composer of the Netflix original animated series Captain Fall. The show is created by Jon Iver Helgaker & Jonas Torgersen and features the voice talent of Jason Ritter, Christopher Meloni, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Alejandro Edda, Anthony Carrigan, Adam Devine and Trond Fausa. The adult animated comedy follows a goofy, gullible sea captain who is hired to helm a high-end cruise ship and becomes the perfect fall guy for an illicit smuggling operation. Helgaker & Torgersen are also executive producing the project with Joel Trussell (Pickle and Peanut). Ringen has previously collaborated with the creators on the Norwegian comedy series Vikingane (Norsemen). Captain Fall will premiere this coming Friday, July 28 on Netflix.
Johannes Ringen Scoring Netflix’s ‘Captain Fall’
Posted: July 23, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Captain Fall, Johannes Ringen, Netflix