Amelia Warner (Mary Shelley, Mum’s List) has recently recorded her score for the upcoming romantic drama Wild Mountain Thyme. The film is written and directed by John Patrick Shanley (Doubt, Joe Versus the Volcano) and stars Emily Blunt, Jamie Dornan, Jon Hamm, Dearbhla Molloy and Christopher Walken. The movie is based on Shanley’s Broadway play Outside Mullingar and centers on two obstinate star-crossed lovers whose families are caught up in a feud over a hotly contested patch of land that separates their two farms. Leslie Urdang (Beginners, Rabbit Hole) & Anthony Bregman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Foxcatcher) are producing the project for Likely Story, alongside Michael Helfant & Bradley Gallo (The Call, Mr. Right) for Amasia Entertainment, Alex Witchel and Martina Niland (Once, Sing Street) for Port Pictures Wild Mountain Thyme will be released in select U.S. theaters and on VOD on December 11, 2020 by Bleecker Street.
Amelia Warner Scoring John Patrick Shanley’s ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’
Posted: October 19, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amelia Warner, John Patrick Shanley, Wild Mountain Thyme
I have known Amelia Warner’s music for a long time and I think she is an exquisite composer. I cannot comment on the film, because it has not been screened in my country yet. Good for Amelia, triumph for herself
It seems that Amelia only has jobs in films thanks to her friends and her husband, I thought her talent spoke of her work but no, she gets everything thanks to favors, what a bad example she sets.
Terrible que haga uso de esta página y si ingresa a imbd no aparece aún. Además han visto la calificación que tiene en Google música de su último trabajo. Es terrible .
Una gran producción con una banda sonora mediocre. Dudó que las predicciones de los Oscar se cumplan con esta película
yes!!! more opportunities for women in this area.
Her score on Mary Shelley was wonderful.
Amelia Warner is not an example for the other composers, she has participated in other oeliculs thanks to her alihos and not to her slowness, in this movie she is no exception, thanks to her famous husband Jamie Dornan she makes the soundtrack of Wild Mountain Thyme. Her last EP was an absolute failure
She was a well established composer before her husband, and her score for Mary Shelley got great reviews between the film music community.
Lol she is not an established composer before her husband. Stop being pathetic with your fake accounts “Michael”.
Su trabajo en Mum’s list y Mary Shelley fue excelente, espero que también lo logre en Wild Mountain Thyme.
My sanctuary (Mary shelley) is an example of her talent.
Boa notícia! sua pontuação em Mary Shelley foi maravilhosa.
Why say derogatory things about Amelia Warner. First of all. She is a multi talented young woman. Her music is different because it for certain types of movies. If she gets a movie because of her husband more power too her. Everyone needs someone else in life. I’m sure she has had many offers but is very picky because besides writing she has a family to take care of. You just have to listen to her beautiful music to know and love her talent. God bless her.
I don’t see any problem with the husband helping her, Jamie himself said his wife had gotten him movie scripts. That is called support!
No sé qué le ven de buena a su música, toda tiene las mismas partituras y sonido, debería estar agradecida a su amiga la productora de películas y al marido por conseguirle un nuevo trabajo.
Como se nota que no sabes nada de musica para decir eso.
Me encantó su partitura en Mary Shelley!

My Sanctuary es mi favorita.
I think Amelia is a very talented composer. I’m looking forward to her new music for the movie
Amelia Warner is a very talented composer!!!
Jamie Dornan’s wife getting these jobs because she is his wife and has friends in the industry is epitome of nepotism. It must be great to be so unqualified with no education or training in the industry to get jobs, just look at Trump.
Shut up bitch
Why don’t you shut up Michael? Truth hurts?
Oh I Love Amelia Warner’s instrumentals, music and seems like such a lovely lady, wife, mummy and composer. Loved her Mary Shelley and absolutely loved Mum’s List!! Beautiful and raw. Can’t wait to hear her new film score for Wild
Mountain Thyme. And hogwash on all you horrible people saying she didn’t get where she is on her own merit. And if you mention her husband name has helped her…Hollywood familys’ offspring who want to go into acting get escorted right into the profession With no stuggle or waiting tables at all and some are not gifted actors. Music is a whole other ball of wax. It is compostions, composing. It’s hard work, merit based only! So happy for AWarner regardless to who she is married to or related to! It’s her own merit that writes and no one helps her with that! So stfu when It comes to who she’s friends with or married to. They were just steppingstones. Soar AWarner!
She didn’t get anywhere with this so-called “merit” you are claiming about. Speaking of offsprings, isn’t she the daughter of actors from the UK? Stop acting like she worked her way from the bottom up, not to mention no one would have known her name if her husband wasn’t the replacement in Fifty Shades of Grey franchise.
Excelente compositora. Su trabajo en Mary Shelley fue asombroso.
Amelia is a fantastic composer and has given so much with her music please be kind as she is
Really looking forward to hearing her work on this film! She’s done a great job with her previous scores, as well as with her EPs.
Jamie Dornan has the worst fans, they are so horrible to his wife and kids.
No es la primera vez que ella tiene un trabajo gracias a alguien, ahora es por Jamie Dornan y antes por amigos. Ese es el talento que muestra? Debe agradecerle a ellos que le dan trabajo, no es capaz de conseguir algo por ella misma. Aquí tenemos un ejemplo de NEPOTISMO, usa a las personas para tener ventajas. Si fuera tan talentosa y famosa como dicen sus fans ya estaría haciéndose una carrera sola y sin ayudas. Ojalá no repita los mismos acordes de siempre o que haga plagio como la acusaron una vez
Es terrible ver como una producción con tan buenos comentarios, tenga una banda sonora tan mediocre hecha a la carrera.
Las predicciones de los Oscar se irán a la basura con este hecho. Ni modos. No entiendo como el elenco de esa pelicula, permite este tipo de cosas
La película se iba a estrenar antes pero por la pandemia se aplazó, antes de eso nunca nombraron que ella iba hacer la música, ella publicó que hasta el mes pasado grabó la música. Todo tan acomodado para meterla a ella como compositora y hacerle un favor al marido, que vergüenza conseguir trabajos así. Y sus fans orgullosas, dan pena ajena. Su último EP fue un fracaso absoluto y aún dicen que compone bien. Toca mal el piano, en el live que hizo se mostró nerviosa y perdida, esa es la prueba que ella no es talentoda. Wild Mountain Thyme perdio muchos fans por culpa de ella
Este logro no es de ella si no de su señor marido. Si no es por el, ella no estaría en esta producción.
Tristemente todo ahora es con palanca. Si fuera por mérito propio, dudo mucho que estaría en tremenda producción. Su puntuación en su último ep nos da la razón
Terrible que salen de esta manera la imagen de una película que venía con tanta fuerza.
Las predicciones de los Oscar quedarán en eso, en predicciones.
Her EPs have been failures all of them as simple as that. There’s a doubt whether she really gets her jobs because she is really talented or not because her friends even her husband have been involved in all her work up to this date. So i don’t see any difference in this soundtrack sorry
Otro trabajo que va a fracasar y va a llevarse por delante la película, que mal que hoy en día tengan que hacerle favores a gente sin talento. Un ejemplo es su último EP , fue un absoluto fracaso y ahora en menos de un mes ha grabado la banda sonora la. Para 7 canciones demoró 3 años y Lara una banda sonora 2 meses, así será de buena. Lástima que el nepotismo aún se siga presentando