Antonio Sanchez has signed on to score the upcoming drama Harami: The Bastard. The film is co-written directed by Shyam Madiraju (Eden) and stars Emraan Hashmi Emraan Hashmi and Subrat Dutta. The movie revolves around an orphan teenage pickpocket working the trains of Mumbai along with his gang whose life takes a turn when he meets the daughter of one of his victims who committed suicide after being robbed. Mohit Rastogi, Parvesh Kumar and Dori Zuckerman are producing the Gobsmack Entertainment production.The project marks the jazz drummer/composer’s second narrative feature scoring assignment following Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), for which he received a Golden Globe Awards nomination and a Grammy Award. He also scored all episodes of the Epix original series Get Shorty and the documentary Politics, Instructions Manual. Harami is currently in post-production and is expected to premiere later this year.
Antonio Sanchez to Score Shyam Madiraju’s ‘Harami: The Bastard’
Posted: February 21, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Antonio Sanchez, Harami: The Bastard, Shyam Madiraju