Disney XD has premiered the main titles for the upcoming reboot of the animated series DuckTales. The titles sequence features a new version of the title song from the classic series written by Mark C. Mueller. The track is performed by singer/songwriter Felicia Barton and produced by Emmy-winning Michael ‘Smidi’ Smith and the show’s composer Dominic Lewis (The Man in the High Castle, Free Birds, Money Monster, Rough Night). The song will be released by Walt Disney Records on Friday, June 23. DuckTales is developed by Marc Youngberg and features the voices of David Tennant, Bobby Moynihan, Ben Schwartz, Danny Pudi, Kate Micucci, Toks Olagundoye, Beck Bennett, Tony Anselmo and Lin-Manuel Miranda. The series will premiere on August 12, 2017 on Disney XD.