Chris Alan Lee has signed on to score the upcoming ABC comedy Uncle Buck. The show is developed by Steven Cragg and Brian Bradley and stars Mike Epps, Nia Long, James Lesure, Iman Benson, Sayeed Shahidi and Aalyrah Caldwell. The series is based on the 1989 movie of the same title starring John Candy and follows a fun loving but irresponsible guy who needs a job and a place to stay and moves in with his brother and sister-in-law as their nieces and nephew’s Nanny has just quit. Cragg and Bradley are also executive producing the Universal Television and ABC Studios production with Will Packer (Ride Along, Think Like a Man, The Wedding Ringer). Uncle Buck is set to premiere this spring or summer on ABC. For updates on the comedy, visit the official show website.
Lee is also scoring the upcoming NBC comedy Crowded, as well as TV Land’s Younger and The Jim Gaffigan Show.
Oh, Hollywood, when will you learn your lesson about “Uncle Buck” TV series?