David Wingo is set to score the upcoming drama Mud. The movie is written and directed by Jeff Nichols and stars Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Tye Sheridan, Sarah Paulson, Michael Shannon and Sam Shephard. The film revolves around two teenage boys who encounter a mysterious fugitive hiding out on an island in the Mississippi and enter into a pact to help him escape and reconnect with the love of his life. Lisa Maria Falcone (Win Win, Mother and Child), Aaron Ryder (The Prestige) and Sarah Green (The Tree of Life, The New World) are producing the FilmNation and Everest Entertainment production. Wingo has previously scored Nichols’ Take Shelter, which opened in theaters this past October and has received a number of critics awards for Michael Shannon’s lead performance. Mud is currently in post-production and no release date has been announced yet.
For a recent interview with the composer, in which he talks about his career, his score for Take Shelter and his recent collaboration with David Gordon Green on The Sitter, which is currently playing in theaters, visit Spoiler Alert Radio.