Dominic Lewis is set to score the upcoming animated feature Henchmen. The film is directed by Adam Wood and features the voice talent of James Marsden, Thomas Middleditch, Rosario Dawson, Jane Krakowski, Alfred Molina, Rob Riggle, Craig Robinson & Nathan Fillion. The animated comedy follows a new recruit to the Union of Evil, where he is assigned to a motley crew of blue-collar workers that is assigned to the Vault of Villainy where he accidentally steals the ultimate weapon. Wood has also written the screenplay with David Ray and Jay D. Waxman. Aaron Gilbert (A Single Shot, Daydream Nation, Welcome to Me) and Luke Carroll (Escape from Planet Earth) are producing the project for Bron Studios. Lewis’ previous animation scoring credits include Free Birds and the upcoming Open Season: Scared Silly, which he co-scored with Rupert Gregson-Williams. Henchmen is expected to be released later this year.
Lewis is also expected to return for the second season of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, which he is co-scoring with Henry Jackman.