the-little-princeHans Zimmer is set to score the upcoming animated feature The Little Prince (Le petit prince). The film is directed by Mark Osborne and features the voice talent of James Franco, Rachel McAdams, Jeff Bridges, Benicio Del Toro, Marion Cotillard, Albert Brooks, Mackenzie Foy and Paul Giamatti. The movie based on the novel of the same title by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry follows a pilot who crashes in the desert and meets a little boy from a distant planet who regales him with stories about his home and the inhabitants of nearby asteroids. Aton Soumache and Dimitri Rassam (Upside DownEscobar: Paradise Lost) are producing the project for Onyx Films. Zimmer previously collaborated with Osborne on the original Kung Fu Panda film from 2008. The Little Prince is set to be released in France on October 7, 2015. Paramount Pictures has picked up domestic distribution rights, but no release date has been announced yet. (

Zimmer’s upcoming projects also include Neill Blomkamp’s Chappie starring Hugh Jackman and Zack Snyder’s Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

  1. Rosalba says:

    Could you please help me to find the piano score of Little Prince by Hans Zimmer ?
    I am greatful if you can send me the details.