Premiering tonight on HBO is the mini-series Show Me a Hero created by David Simon, directed by Paul Haggis and starring Oscar Isaac, Catherine Keener, Alfred Molina, Winona Ryder, LaTanya Richardson Jackson, Bob Balaban, Jim Belushi and Jon Bernthal. Nathan Larson (Boys Don’t Cry, Dirty Pretty Things, (Our) Idiot Brother, A Walk in the Woods) has composed the music for the 6-parter. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Show Me a Hero’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (August 16, 2015)
Posted: August 16, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Blunt Talk, Craig Wedren, HBO, Nathan Larson, Show Me a Hero, Starz
Nathan Larson Scoring HBO’s’ ‘Show Me a Hero’
Posted: August 12, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: David Simon, HBO, Nathan Larson, Show Me a Hero
Nathan Larson has composed the music for the HBO mini-series Show Me a Hero. The 6-parter is created by David Simon (The Wire, Treme) and stars Oscar Isaac, Catherine Keener, Alfred Molina, Winona Ryder, LaTanya Richardson Jackson, Bob Balaban, Jim Belushi and Jon Bernthal. Paul Haggis (Crash, The Next Three Days) has directed all episodes. The series based […]