James Newton Howard has signed on to score the upcoming fantasy movie Maleficent. The film marks the directorial debut of Academy Award-winning production designer Robert Stromberg (Avatar, Alice in Wonderland) and stars Angelina Jolie as the green-skinned wicked witch from Disney’s 1959 animated feature Sleeping Beauty. The movie tells the fairy tale from the perspective […]
Posts Tagged ‘Joe Roth’
James Newton Howard to Score Disney’s ‘Maleficent’
Posted: October 26, 2012 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: James Newton Howard, Joe Roth, Maleficent, Robert Stromberg
James Newton Howard to Score ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’
Posted: November 16, 2011 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: James Newton Howard, Joe Roth, Sam Mercer, Snow White and the Huntsman
Following the news that James Newton Howard is scoring the upcoming thriller The Bourne Legacy from earlier this week, Universal Pictures has confirmed to Film Music Reporter that the composer has yet another high profile project coming up next summer. He will be scoring the epic fantasy adventure Snow White and the Huntsman. The film […]