Posts Tagged ‘Jean-François Laguionie’

22D Music has released a soundtrack album for the French animated feature A Boat in the Garden (Slocum et moi). The album features the film’s original music composed by Pascal Le Pennec (The Painting, The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess, Peekaboo, Louise by the Shore) and performed by the Orchestre National de Bretagne. The […]

22D Music has released the first-ever soundtrack album for the 2016 French animated Louise by the Shore (Louise en hiver) written and directed by Jean-François Laguionie and starring Dominique Frot. The album features the film’s original music composed by Pascal Le Pennec (The Painting, Peekaboo, The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess) and performed by the Orchestre National […]

22D Music has released a soundtrack album for the French animated feature The Prince’s Voyage (Le voyage du Prince). The album features the film’s original music composed by Christophe Héral (Rayman Legends, Rayman Origins, Beyond Good & Evil). The soundtrack is now available to stream and download on Amazon, where you can also check out […]