Premiering tonight in the U.S. on PBS is the British drama Grantchester created by Daisy Coulam and stars James Norton, Robson Green, Morven Christie, Tessa Peake-Jones, Al Weaver and Pheline Roggan. The show’s original music is composed by John Lunn (Downton Abbey, The White Queen). Silva Screen Records has released a soundtrack album featuring the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Grantchester’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (January 18, 2015)
Posted: January 18, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Backstrom, Fox, Grantchester, John Lunn, PBS, Sean Callery
‘Grantchester’ Soundtrack Announced
Posted: December 8, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Grantchester, John Lunn, PBS, score, Soundtrack
Silva Screen Records will release a soundtrack album for the British series Grantchester. The album features the show’s original music composed by Emmy Award winner John Lunn (Downton Abbey, The White Queen). Also included are songs by Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Gloria Dee. The soundtrack will be released overseas on December 22, 2014 and […]