Phil Mossman has recently scored the upcoming thriller Mercy. The film is written and directed by Chris Sparling (Buried, The Atticus Institute, ATM) and stars James Wolk, Caitlin Fitzgerald, Tom Lipinski, Dan Ziskie, Michael Godere, Michael Donovan, Dion Graham and Constance Baron. The movie follows four estranged brothers who return to their childhood home to be with their dying mother and find […]
Posts Tagged ‘Chris Sparling’
Phil Mossman Scoring Chris Sparling’s ‘Mercy’
Posted: May 9, 2016 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Chris Sparling, Mercy, Phil Mossman
Victor Reyes Scoring ‘The Atticus Institute’
Posted: April 10, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Chris Sparling, The Atticus Institute, Victor Reyes
Victor Reyes has recently composed the score for the supernatural thriller The Atticus Institute. The film written and directed by Chris Sparling (ATM) is set in 1976 and revolves around a parapsychology lab which uncovered the supernatural abilities of Judith Winstead, a patient possessed with dark forces. The movie’s cast includes Rya Kihlstedt, Aaron Craven, William Mapother and Laurent Rubin. Peter Safran […]