Johnny Jewel has composed the original music for the upcoming indie drama Don’t Come Back from the Moon. The film marks the feature directorial debut of cinematographer Bruce Thierry Cheung (The Adderall Diaries, In Dubious Battle) and stars Jeffrey Wahlberg, Zackary Arthur, Alyssa Elle Steinacker, Cheyenne Haynes, James Franco and Rashida Jones. The movie revolves around a group of fathers in a small California desert town who abandon their children one by one leaving behind a wake of anger and crime as their sons and daughters come of age. Cheung also wrote the screenplay based on the 2005 novel by Dean Bakopoulos. Jay Davis and Lauren Hoekstra are producing the project. Jewel who is best known as a member of Glass Candy, Chromatics, Desire and Symmetry has previously scored films including Nicolas Winding-Refn’s Bronson and Ryan Gosling’s Lost River. Don’t Come Back from the Moon will premiere next month at the Los Angeles Film Festival.
Johnny Jewel Scoring ‘Don’t Come Back from the Moon’
Posted: May 23, 2017 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Bruce Thierry Cheung, Don't Come Back from the Moon, Johnny Jewel
Hi! I am really looking forward to hearing the score for this film. It was a great experience to be Kolya in this… Hope to meet you there. From, Your Friend, @1zackaryarthur
Hi! I am really looking forward to hearing the score for this film. It was a great experience to be Kolya in this… Hope to meet you there. From, Your Friend, 1zackaryarthur