Elliott Wheeler (Elvis, The Get Down, Every Day, Restraint) is the composer of the upcoming CW dramedy Good Cop/Bad Cop. The show is created by John Quaintance (Hot Pursuit, Aquamarine) and stars Leighton Meester, Luke Cook, Clancy Brown, Devon Terrell, Scott Lee, Blazey Best and William McKenna. The series follows an odd couple sister and brother detective team in a small Pacific Northwest police force as they must contend with colorful residents and their very complicated dynamic with each other and their police chief who also happens to be their father. Quaintance is also executive producing the Future Shack Entertainment & Jungle Entertainment production with Jeff Wachtel (Murder in a Small Town), Trent O’Donnell (Ride the Eagle, Ghosts) and Chloe Rickard (No Activity, Squinters). Good Cop/Bad Cop will premiere in the U.S. on February 19 on the CW and in Australia the following day on Stan.
Elliott Wheeler Scoring The CW’s & Stan’s ‘Good Cop/Bad Cop’
Posted: January 13, 2025 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Elliott Wheeler, Good Cop / Bad Cop, Stan, The CW