Michael Bitton (The Burning Girls) has been hired to score the upcoming animated feature Harry and the Mutant Mid-Century Furniture. The film is directed by Michael Skolnick (The Gliksmans) and features the voices of Andy Richter, Matt Walsh, Seth Green, Tim Meadows, Pamela Adlon, Stephanie Beatriz, Lou Ferrigno and Clare Grant. The animated sci-fi comedy is set in a 1960s idyllic American town and follows a young boy who is convinced that his dad was abducted by aliens and runs away from home to break into nearby Area 51. Skolnick is also producing the project with Keegan Cotton, Jordan Lewandowski and Seth Morton. In addition to co-scoring The Burning Girls, Bitton has previously worked a part of Lorne Balfe’s team and has contributed additional music and arrangements to Life on Our Planet, Gran Turismo, The Wheel of Time, among other titles. Harry and the Mutant Mid-Century Furniture is currently in production and is expected to be completed in 2025. (Variety)
Michael Bitton to Score Michael Skolnick’s ‘Harry and the Mutant Mid-Century Furniture’
Posted: April 16, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Harry and the Mutant Mid-Century Furniture, Michael Bitton, Michael Skolnick