Arcade Fire member Richard Reed Parry is making his feature film scoring debut on the upcoming drama The Nest. The film is written and directed by Sean Durkin (Martha Marcy May Marlene) and stars Jude Law, Carrie Coon, Charlie Shotwell and Oona Roche. The movie follows a charismatic entrepreneur as he relocates his family to England with dreams of profiting from booming 1980’s London, where he and his wife have to face the unwelcome truths lying beneath the surface of their marriage. Durkin is also producing the project with Ed Guiney (The Favourite, Room), Derrin Schlesinger (American Animals, Four Lions), Rose Garnett, Amy Jackson and Christina Piovesa (The Whistleblower, Regression). The Nest will premiere later this week at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.
Arcade Fire’s Richard Reed Parry Scoring Sean Durkin’s ‘The Nest’
Posted: January 20, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Richard Reed Parry, Sean Durkin, The Nest
Most films are ruined by their music nowadays. This one was enhanced. Thanks!