UPDATE (December 2016): The album is now scheduled to be released in 2017.
Sub Pop Records will release a soundtrack album for the Fox animated series Bob’s Burgers featuring the songs from the show. The album is set to be released later this fall, but four advance tracks, including the comedy’s theme song, as well as the songs Electric Love, Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom and St. Vincent’s cover of Bad Girls will be available to download this coming Tuesday, September 20. Check back on this page for the details of the full album. Bob’s Burgers created by Louren Bouchard and featuring the voices of H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, Larry Murphy, John Roberts and Kristen Schaal follows Bob Belcher and his wife and three kids who try to run their last hope of holding the family together, which is running Bob’s dream restaurant. The series premiered in 2011 and will return for a seventh season on Sunday, September 25 on Fox. Visit the official show website for more information.
Here’s the track list of the advance tracks EP:
1. The Bob’s Burgers Theme Song
2. Electric Love (feat. Megan Mullally, Kevin Kline, Eugene Mirman, Kristen Schaal, H. Jon Benjamin, Larry Murphy, Dan Mintz, John Roberts, Mark Proksch, Loren Bouchard & Nora Smith)
3. Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom (feat. H. Jon Benjamin, Kristen Schaal, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, John Roberts, Tim Dacey, Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith, Steven Davis, Kelvin Chow-Min Yu & Jim Dauterive)
4. Bad Girls (Bob’s Buskers) (feat. St. Vincent)
Freakin’ finally. Some hilarious songs on this show.
So, do you know where those 4 songs are going to be published? It’s Tuesday now after all…
They’re available overseas, strangely not in the U.S. yet: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Burgers-Music-Album-Advance-Tracks/dp/B01LYUJO3C/
Considering I’m in the UK, that works brilliantly! Thank you! Already got them
Hi, I couldn’t find the advance tracks. I’m in the UK too.
Any updates for the US?
So the US is pretty much getting screwed on the release? Gotcha
Amazon UK just mistakenly posted this (and filmmusicreporter is repeating that mistake.) This record is not in fact available for sale yet. ANYWHERE. The US is not getting screwed… Well, not by this album anyway.