Jake Monaco is currently recording his score for the upcoming action comedy Keeping Up with the Joneses. The film is directed by Greg Mottola (Superbad, Paul, Adventureland) and stars Zach Galifianakis, Jon Hamm, Isla Fisher and Gal Gadot. The movie follows an ordinary suburban couple who discover that their impossibly gorgeous and ultra-sophisticated new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. “Jones”, are covert operatives. Michael LeSieur (You, Me and Dupree, The Maiden Heist) has written the screenplay. Laurie Macdonald & Walter F. Parkes (Men in Black, Catch Me if You Can, Flight, The Ring) are producing the project. Keeping Up with the Joneses will be released on October 21, 2016 by 20th Century Fox. Visit the official movie website for more information.
Monaco’s recent projects also include the comedy Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie, which is currently playing in theaters. The composer’s previous credits include Let’s Be Cops, Playing It Cool, Struck by Lightning and the animated shows Dinotrux and Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!.