The details have been revealed of the soundtrack album for Marvel Studios’ sequel Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The album features the film’s original music composed by Henry Jackman (X-Men: First Class, Wreck-It-Ralph, Captain Phillips). Also included is Marvin Gaye’s Trouble Man and a track by Harry James and his Orchestra. The soundtrack will be released on April 1, 2014 by Hollywood Records and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is directed by Anthony & Joe Russo and stars Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Emily Van Camp, Hayley Atwell and Robert Redford. The sequel is set after the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers and follows Steve Rogers/Captain America as he is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. The movie will be released nationwide on April 4. To learn more about the film, visit the official movie website.
Here’s the album track list:
1. Lemurian Star
2. Project Insight
3. The Smithsonian
4. An Old Friend
5. Fury
6. The Winter Soldier
7. Fallen
8. Alexander Pierce
9. Taking a Stand
10. Frozen in Time
11. Hydra
12. Natasha
13. The Causeway
14. Time to Suit Up
15. Into the Fray
16. Countdown
17. End of the Line
18. Captain America
19. It’s Been a Long, Long Time – Harry James and His Orchestra
20. Trouble Man – Marvin Gaye
Alan Silvestri *sigh*
…is thankfuly gone, because his Captain America and Avengers were the worst pieces of superhero music anyone has ever composed.
In YOUR universe, maybe. Not in this one.
In my universe, too. Macejko is spot on. The score was one of the only bad things in The Avengers. With a better score it would have been a perfect superhero movie.
The Avengers was lacking… something. I don’t want to say heart, since it was there (buried, maybe, but there). But there was nothing cohesive about it. Captain America was definitely a step above and it was far from Silvestri at his lowest but it certainly wasn’t Silvestri at the apex either.
Are you an idiot? The music for the first Captain America was some of the best in the MCU, definitely better than Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, and The Avengers
Even not at the top, Silvestri is really better than Jackman, Tyler, Dwajadi, Debney … so far away.
I’m actually excited about Tyler scoring Age of Ultron. He’s shown himself to be an incredible composer with IM3 and Thor 2, and I think there’s a decent chance he could outshine Silvestri’s score of the first Avengers.
Exactly. And the Captain America’s theme, whether you guys like it or not, has become the only Marvel Studios’ theme that become iconic. And I hope Jackman understand that.
iconic? LMAOO yeah right. i think you need to learn the definition of ICONIC
It may not be iconic but as of right now it’s one of the only clearly defined themes. One thing Marvel’s films would benefit from would be finding thematic material for their core characters, even if the actors/actresses continually shift.
Patrick Doyle and Ramin Djawadi had created themes that are far more memorable than that pathetic Cap tune. Even the Tyler’s themes were lightyears ahead (because despite his many, many flaws, the guy surely can write a great theme). Even the Avengers theme was better (being the only good thing on that score).
I guess we both heard a different Avengers score then, since the one I heard lacked a theme.
Clearly you and a few others have a serious axe to grind with Silvestri these days though, so far be it from me to stand in your way.
Actually, I have nothing but respect for Silvestri. Just not for those two scores.
I really don’t understand you guys. Has anyone here remember the two Thor’s themes or any of Iron Man’s? Captain America’s theme has become the only Marvel Studios’ theme to be performed in an event by a live orchestra (the Hollywood in Viena 2011), and the only one to feature in more than one film. Even Brian Tyler used Alan’s theme in his Thor: The Dark World score. So, it would be ridiculous if Jackman don’t use it. I haven’t hear the Winter Soldier’s album yet, but I know that Silvestri is a much better composer than Jackman. Imagine if John Ottman didn’t use the Williams’ Superman theme in Superman: Returns.
While it being singled out to be performed by live orchestra shouldn’t really bear any significance to this argument, your other points (well, beyond opinions re: Jackman, at least) are valid.
The theme is obviously something Marvel have recognized as being worthy of representing the character it was written for and they’re completely right in that recognition.
Would we have a radically different recall if DC had essentially shunned Williams’ iconic theme for Superman? No, it’s something that’s come to be representative of the character, even outside of the film(s). Marvel needs something on that level and Silvestri’s Cap theme may not be on it exactly but it’s in the ballpark and they’d do better to utilize the composers working on their films to develop themes they can back for their core characters, even if they have to pay out the rights in regard to adaptations (as if Disney’s pockets weren’t deep enough anyway).
I know it’s not fair to write off a score based on samples, but none of them really inspire confidence.
Amazon no longer has this for pre-order and someone has already posted a scathing review. Looks like this soundtrack is going to be a huge disappointment.
Yeah, a scathing review from someone who didn’t even purchase the score because the CD doesn’t even exist, only an mp3 version of the score
Guys ! I heard the score ! To be frank i heard it once the whole album ! And i haven’t heard the second time ! Huge disappointment ! Being a Jackman fan , i expected him to do atleast the justice he did to x men or gi joe ! This is bad ! Personally i dint like it !
This soundtrack has been given a ton of crap. An incredible amount of crap. Considering how amazing this score is, I am seriously disappointed in humanity. Possibly one of my favorite movie scores to date. Fits with the movie perfectly. Unfortunately, though, none of Jackman’s reprisals of Silvestri’s themes made it into the soundtrack release. Quite frustrating.
Silvestri’s score for Captain America was actually pretty good. The “Captain America Theme” was indeed iconic, and immediately identifiable with the character – in the same way that the “Star Trek Fanfare” and John William’s “Superman” themes are immediately identifiable with those franchises.
Plus, Silvestri’s “Star Spangled Man With A Plan” song was absolutely perfect. It totally simulated the propaganda musical numbers from the 1940’s.
I seriously missed hearing Cap’s theme in this (as it was perfectly used in “Thor: The Dark World”).
“Star Spangled Man With A Plan” is written by Alan Menken.
The music for Captain America 2 is terrific. It fits the transition of the story to modern times. Plus, I cannot get the theme for Captain America out of my head. I have collected Cap comics since 1988, so I have a little insight into his character. As emotion-invoking that Silvestri’s theme was for The First Avenger, it is limited to that film in that it is too slow and majestic to represent the Best Fighter in the Marvel Universe, bar none. This new theme captures that–a fast paced underlayment, an urgent string set, a triumphant march for 2014. They did have a nod to the first theme in the beginning of the movie, but this theme is far more fitting for the leader of the Avengers and the modern era. Bravo!! Now, if I could find the entire wrapped CD package and not just the downloadable mp3s.