Benjamin Wallfisch has composed the music for DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming short Bilby. The film written and directed by Pierre Perifel, JP Sans & Liron Topaz is set in Australia’s Outback and follows the title character who finds himself an unwitting protector, and unexpected friend, to a helpless baby bird. Kelly Cooney and Jeff Hermann are producing the project. The short is among the first two films in DreamWorks Animation’s new shorts program. The other title, Bird Karma (scored by Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum), recently premiered at the New York International Children’s Film Festival. Bilby will premiere in June at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival.
As previously reported, Wallfisch also has the film adaptation of The Darkest Minds starring Amandla Stenberg, Harris Dickinson & Mandy Moore, as well as the thriller Keepers starring Gerard Butler coming up.