Henry Jackman has been tapped to score the upcoming animated feature Big Hero 6. The action comedy adventure directed by Don Hall & Chris Williams (Bolt) is inspired by the Marvel comics of the same title. The movie follows a brilliant robotics prodigy who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the fast-paced, high-tech city of San Fransokyo. The Big Hero 6 characters first appeared in 1998 and Marvel later on released a series of six comics featuring the team in 2008. TJ Miller has recently been announced as part of the film’s voice cast. Roy Conli (Tangled, Treasure Planet) is producing the Walt Disney Animation Studios production and John Lasseter is executive producing the project. Jackman has previously scored the last Winnie the Pooh movie for Hall and Disney and also composed the music for the studio’s animated hit Wreck-It-Ralph, for which he received an Annie Award. The composer also recently scored his first film for Marvel, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Big Hero 6 is set to be released on November 7, 2014 by Walt Disney Pictures. For updates on the animated feature, visit the official movie website.
Jackman’s upcoming projects also include Seth Rogen’s and Evan Goldberg’s comedy The Interview.