Opening in theaters nationwide this weekend is the animated documentary Piece by Piece directed by Morgan Neville and featuring the voices of Pharrell Williams (who also wrote the movie’s original songs), Gwen Stefani, Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Kendrick Lamar, Timbaland and Justin Timberlake. The film’s original score original score is composed by Michael Andrews (Donnie Darko, Freaks & […]
Posts Tagged ‘My Hero Academia: You’re Next’
Weekly Film Music Roundup (October 11, 2024)
Posted: October 11, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Anton Sanko, Brian Irvine, Brothers, Bryce Dessner, Dan Romer, David Holmes, Lonely Planet, Martin Dirkov, Michael Andrews, Mike Tuccillo, My Hero Academia: You're Next, Paul Wiley, Pharrell Williams, Piece by Piece, Pinar Toprak, Rupert Gregson-Williams, Terrifier 3, The Apprentice, The Silent Hour, We Live in Time, Woman of the Hour, Yuki Hayashi
‘My Hero Academia: You’re Next’ Soundtrack Album Released
Posted: August 7, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: My Hero Academia: You're Next, score, Soundtrack, Tensai Okamura, Yuki Hayashi
Milan Records has released a soundtrack album for Japanese animated superhero movie My Hero Academia: You’re Next. The album features the film’s original music composed by Yuki Hayashi who previously scored the My Hero Academia TV series and the first three features, Two Heroes, Heroes Rising and World Heroes’ Mission. The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on all major […]