David Wingo is composing the original score for the new Showtime original series Kidding. The show is created by Dave Holstein and stars Jim Carrey, Frank Langella, Catherine Keener and Judy Greer. The comedy drama revolves around an icon of children’s television, a beacon of kindness and wisdom to America’s impressionable young minds and the parents who grew up with him, who also anchors a multimillion dollar branding empire. Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Green Hornet) is directing all ten episodes of the show’s first season and is also executive producing the project with Jason Bateman & Jim Garavente (Game Night), Raffi Adlan and Michael Aguilar (The Crazies, I’m Dying Up Here). Kidding will premiere on September 9, 2018 and air every Sunday night on Showtime. Visit the official show website for updates.
Wingo (Take Shelter, Mud, Loving, Our Brand Is Crisis, The Sitter) is also expected to return to score the second season of HBO’s Emmy Award-nominated comedy Barry, which is set to premiere in 2019.