Christophe Beck has composed the music for Pixar Animation Studios’ upcoming animated short Lou. The film marks the directorial debut of Dave Mullins who worked as an animator on projects including Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up and Cars 2. The movie revolves around a lost-and-found box and the unseen monster within. Dana Murray is producing the short and Pete Docter (Up, Inside Out) & John Lasseter (Toy Story) serve as executive producers. The project marks Beck’s first project for Pixar. He has previously scored Disney’s Oscar-winning short Paperman and the studios’ hit feature Frozen. His other animation projects include DreamWorks Animation’s Trolls and Blue Sky’s The Peanuts Movie. Lou will be shown in front of Pixar’s Cars 3, which will be released on June 16, 2017 by Walt Disney Pictures.
Beck’s upcoming projects also include Doug Liman’s American Made starring Tom Cruise (set for a release on September 29, 2017). He also co-scored Brad Silberling’s An Ordinary Man, which is expected to premiere in 2017.