Tim Phillips (Shameless, Shining Vale, Jericho, Esio Trot, Delete, Partners in Crime) is the composer of the upcoming Starz original series Becoming Elizabeth. The show is created by Anya Reiss and stars Alicia von Rittberg, Romola Garai, Jessica Raine, Tom Cullen, John Heffernaan, Jamie Blackley, Alexandra Gilbreath and Jamie Parker. The drama tells the untold story of the early life of England’s most iconic Queen: Elizabeth Tudor, an orphaned teenager who became embroiled in the political and sexual politics of the English court. Reiss is also executive producing The Forge production with George Ormond (National Treasure, The Accident) and George Faber (Skins, The White Queen). Phillips has previously collaborated with the producers on Channel 4’s Ackley Bridge. Becoming Elizabeth will premiere this year on Starz.
Also coming up for Phillips is the fifth season of Ackley Bridge, which is expected to premiere later this year.