Victor Reyes is set to compose the music for the upcoming psychological thriller Inside. The film is directed by Miguel Angel Vivas (Extinction, Kidnapped) and stars Rachel Nichols, Laura Harring, Stany Coppet and Craig Stevenson. The movie follows a pregnant woman, left partially deaf from an car accident which killed her husband, who receives a visitor at her an isolated new home who is trying to snatch her soon-to-be-born baby. Manu Diez and Jaume Balaguer ([REC] series, Darkness, Fragile) have written the screenplay. Adrian Guerra and Nuria Valls are producing the Nostromo Pictures production. Reyes has previously scored the features Buried, Grand Piano and Red Lights for the producers. No word yet on a release date for Inside.
Reyes also recently scored the mini-series The Night Manager, which recently premiered in the U.S. on AMC
Can you please score inside movie soundtrack please