Trevor Morris is composing the music for the upcoming Netflix original series Castlevania. The animated show based on the Konami video games is developed by comic book writer Warren Ellis (Red) and features the voices of Richard Armitage, James Callis and Graham McTavish. The series follows a vampire hunter fights to save a besieged city from an army of otherworldly beasts controlled by Dracula himself. Ellis is also executive producing the project with Kevin Kolde, Fred Seibert and Adi Shankar. A soundtrack album featuring Morris’ score from the series is in the works for a release this summer. Check back on this page for the full album details. The first season of Castlevania will premiere on July 7 on Netflix.
Morris’ recent and current TV projects also include History’s Vikings, NBC’s Taken, Marvel’s & Netflix’s Iron Fist, Freeform’s Shadowhunters and The CW’s Reign.
Shame, I was hoping they would hire Oscar Araujo for this. His videogame Castlevania scores are phenomenal. But then again, Morris is indeed able to pleasantly surprise from time to time…