Walt Disney Records has released the soundtrack for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ new short Us Again. The digital single features the original score from the film composed by Pinar Toprak (Captain Marvel, Stargirl, Purl, Krypton, Fortnite, The Angel, McMillions, Skyfire). Visit Amazon to stream/download the soundtrack and also listen to the full score after the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Zach Parrish’
Soundtrack for Disney Short ‘Us Again’ Released
Posted: March 5, 2021 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Pinar Toprak, score, Soundtrack, Us Again, Zach Parrish
Pinar Toprak Scoring Zach Parrish’s Disney Animated Short ‘Us Again’
Posted: February 15, 2021 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Pinar Toprak, Us Again, Zach Parrish
Disney announced today that Pinar Toprak (Captain Marvel, Krypton, Fortnite, McMillions, The Angel) has composed the original music for the upcoming Disney animated short Us Again. The film directed by Zach Parrish is set in a vibrant city pulsating with rhythm and movement, and follows an elderly man and his young-at-heart wife rekindle their youthful […]