Lorne Balfe has recently recorded his score for the upcoming comedy drama Dough. The film is directed by John Goldschmidt and stars Jonathan Pryce, Phil Davis, Ian Hart, Pauline Collins and Jerome Holder. The movie centers on the unlikely friendship between an old Jewish baker trying to save his family business and a young Muslim refugee from Darfur trying to help his mother by selling cannabis. Jez Freedman and Jonathan Benson have written the screenplay. György Gattyán & András Somkuti (Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks), Goldschmidt and Wolfgang Esenwein (Blood and Chocolate) are producing the project. The composer recorded his music at Air Lyndhurst Studios in London. Dough is currently in post-production. No premiere date has been announced yet.
Balfe’s upcoming projects also include DreamWorks Animation’s The Penguins of Madagscar, as well as the thriller Captive starring David Oyelowo & Kate Mara.